Copyright 2025 - The Mobile Voice
  • Bienville Square

  • Downtown Mobile

  • Mobile Convention Center

  • Avenue of the Oaks

  • Battleship Park

Now President and Past Vice-President (2913-2014), Sue Petrisin is from Michigan - She is committed to serve the needs of children and communities -  She is aware of a declining membership and a need for change – “to focus on the power of Kiwanis members – members seek to spend their Kiwanis time more meaningfully … “ 

(in Kiwanis Magazine, Oct/Nov 2015) 

Ed. indeed, the declining membership must stop - a "most meaningful" proposition for Kiwanis to uphold is to welcome the public to the Kiwanis Weekly Speaker's Program - YOU ARE INVITED - these programs are now open to the public. (JOIN KIWANIS) 

20160115 ww 

The Mobile Voice does not advocate any political or religious organizations or beliefs over another.  Our site is neutral on these grounds and is dedicated instead to giving local organizations the ability to raise awareness by publishing their activities, articles, and announcements.  

The Mobile Voice draws content from local organizations seeking to be published as well as individual contributors.  Contributing authors will be given an account that will allow them to submit new articles for publication.  These articles will not be visible on the site until they have been approved by the organization they represent or by the site administrators.

Non-written content such as images may also be submitted and, if approved, will be displayed with full credit to the contributor.  The contents of non-written submissions are subject to the same guidelines as written content and may be refused or deleted if found inappropriate.

Each organization will have a designated spokesperson whose responsibilities will include editing article submissions from  their organization for content and accuracy.  These individuals will have the ability to review content before it is published on the site and make changes if needed.  Changes should be restricted to formatting, spelling corrections and (if reasonable and with the author’s permission) minor changes to the content to remove inappropriate material.  

If the author does not consent to the changes proposed by the spokesperson, the spokesperson may choose to not allow the publication of the article.  If an article is published with changes the author did not approve, the author may appeal to the site administrators to have it removed.  In cases such as these, the author is encouraged to keep a copy of the original article with a timestamp showing that the file was created before the publication date.

Individual contributors must apply for a user account with the site administrators.  There is no charge for membership, but the contributor must be willing to abide by site policies and should identify which organization, if any, they will be writing for so the appropriate spokesperson can be contacted to review the article.

If an individual contributor is not writing for any one organization but is instead, writing independently about community events or editorials, the site administrators will act in place of an organization’s spokesperson by checking the article for formatting problems, spelling errors, and inappropriate materials before allowing the article to be published.  The contributor must acknowledge that the site administrators have this right and understand their rights before membership is granted.

Materials deemed inappropriate include but are not limited to: profanity, defamation of other individuals organizations religions or ethnicities, content of a sexual nature, political speech, marketing/solicitation, any content considered inflammatory or in any way illegal.  It is understood that many organizations have foundations in and continued strong ties to religious beliefs.  These beliefs may be expressed in the writings of these organizations only if they do not violate the policies already stated.

Upon finding inappropriate content in an article waiting to be published, the site administrators or designated spokesperson may contact the author to resolve the issue.  If the article itself is of an inappropriate nature, it will be deleted and the author notified.  Authors whose articles have been deleted for being inappropriate may appeal to the site administrators who may then investigate the issue.  This will need to be mediated with the spokesperson who flagged the article so a resolution can be reached on both sides.  If a previously flagged article is found not to be inappropriate, it may be resubmitted for publication by the original author and approved for publication by the site administrators.

Editor: W. Wertelecki, M.D. 

We publish views, articles, interviews. and videos concerned with issues impacting the quality of life in Metropolitan Mobile and the Eastern Shore of Mobile Bay.

The Mobile Voice is a communication platform to disseminate views held by citizens and community representatives, elected or not. Community organizations (official or civic) can publish columns dedicated to their organizations, as for example, the Mobile Kiwanis Club does. Students, aspiring journalists and writers can post articles or sustain columns on particular themes; e.g. "Just for Fun", "Bon Appetit", etc. 

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