The following are some general questions about the site. If you have more specific questions, please use the site's contact form to send a message to the site administrators. We will attempt to answer your questions and get back to you as quickly as possible. As more questions come in, they will be added to this page.
The articles of The Mobile Voice are generally relating to events affecting the community in the Mobile area. We do not publish articles condemning any religious, political, or racial groups. More details are available in our Terms and Conditions.
New articles are published as they become available. There is no set schedule for their release.
I you would like to submit an article, use the contact form to send a message to the site administrator requesting an account. As part of the request, please include some basic information about yourself including your educational background and any other professional qualifications. This information will be included in your account description and will be visible to other users attempting to contact you through the site.
Once your account has been created, you will have the ability to log in and submit articles. Any article submitted will be reviewed by the site administrators before publication.